Clans Campaign

Welcome to the quick clans campaign website. We will soon be moving to a bigger site, when it is ready. This will hopefully guide everyone to understand how the clans campaign works. Please cheack out the other pages to make sure you grasp everything.

There are six different pages for this website.

1) The Home Page
2) The rules page
3) The map page
4) Forums
5) Province Income
6) History

These six pages should make the campaign run smoothly by itself.

27/2/02 - Rules page finally works. We are on version 1.02 of the rules hopefully we will not have to go any further. Plus a new map has come by me which I think we will use instead.

28/2/02 - A new poll has been added. Please vote. It is very important to help the campaign run smoothly. A new page has been added that shows Each provinces' income.

4/3/02 - Two clans have signed up so far.Members from Kenchi and others from Yagyu have formed the two clans.

7/3/03 - More clans are signing up, looking great. A new history site have been added.

8/3/02 - A chat program has been added to the site, and new clans from the Romans and Tenki have signed up.

Email Toda